Road Report (No.19) – from Papua New Guinea

The warmest welcome... It's hard to know where to start. From the minute we stepped off the plane at Jacksons Airport at Port Moresby on Monday 23rd April, Papua New Guinea welcomed and embraced us into their lifestyle, culture and history.…

Road Report (No.18)

Back on the road again ... Over the coming months, The Big Red Tour will have us travelling to several states and many Australian towns and cities. We visited country Victoria at the end of March/early April and were pleased to see so many…

Road Report (No.17)

2012 kicked off with the release of The Big Red album on the Australia Day weekend. What a way to start the year! The album launch was in Tamworth on 27th January, followed that same night with John's regular concert at Tamworth Town Hall. With…

Hang My Hat in Queensland – The Video

John's brand new video 'Hang My Hat In Queensland', the first single from his best-selling album, is essentially an autobiographical story of his life. From the Mallee district in Victoria to Moree, NSW, then to Sydney and eventually to Springbrook,…

The Big Red – The Album

Warner Music Australia is pleased to announce that iconic Australian music legend, John Williamson's The Big Red, a twelve track studio album, was released nationally on Friday 27th January 2012. The recording comprises material penned by…


Warner Music Australia is pleased to announce that iconic Australian music legend, John Williamson, has signed with the label, a deal which will see Warner Music release Williamson's latest album 'The Big Red' on 27th January 2012. WMA's…

Road Report (No.16)

Rather than calling this an 'on the road' update it's more like an 'in the air' update. John often says that travelling around this great country of ours is a privilege and that each tour he sees as a 'working holiday'. As John and Meg were…

Road Report (No.15)

It's been quite a few years since John performed at Grafton but, the brilliant conversion of its wonderful old theatre to make it suitable for live shows, made this possible in September. It was fantastic to see so many enthusiastic fans turn…

News From Meg

Like everyone around the country we've been devastated by the ABC chopper crash. John knew Paul Lockyer well and Gary Ticehurst has been a friend of mine for many years as he was the 'Variety Bash chopper'. I saw him not long ago and he told…

Road Report (No.14)

On the road again . . . The only gig between now and the end of this month is the fabulous Gympie Music Muster. John will be on stage just before the sun goes down on Sunday 28th August, so that the families can stay around and enjoy his…

Road Report (No.13)

On the road again . . . The concert with Orchestra Victoria was another huge success. It was interesting to have so many of the orchestra players come up to John at the end and say what a great night they'd had. In fact, one of them thanked…

Road Report (No.12)

On the road again . . . Those of you who have been to a concert in the past eighteen months or so will have heard John talk about the documentary 'Song of the Outback'. Filmed over a three week period in May 2009 under the direction of…